Communication Math

Khaled Mahmud

Erlang B

Erlang B Formula

N = Total number of truncked channels, Erl
A = Total traffic intensity, Erl

Probability of call blocking, AKA Grade of Service (GoS), is determined by ErlangB formula.

\begin{equation} GoS = \frac{\cfrac{A^N}{N!}}{\sum_{i=1}^N \cfrac{A^i}{i!}} \end{equation}

Sample Trunking Problem

With 60 avaiable truncked channels, what will be the probalibility of blocking (GoS) if the offered load is 50 erlang?

Erlang C

Given the traffic intensity, A and number of agent, N, the probability of a caller waiting is given by Erlang C formula.

\begin{equation} P_{w}=\frac{\frac{A^{N}}{N!}\frac{N}{N-A}}{\left ( \sum_{i=0}^{N-1}\frac{A^{i}}{i!} \right )+\frac{A^{N}}{N!}\frac{N}{N-A}} \end{equation}

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